On Thursday, July 22, we were very fortunate to have Dave Brethauer, owner and artist of Memory Box stamps come and teach 3 classes.
Here are a few pictures from the day.
Dave was very informative and everyone learned so much. Dave then repeated the class for the next group of students.
Finally, there was the Watercolor techniques class. Dave is an excellent teacher and he had so many great tips.
I was so excited that I couldn't wait to get out my watercolor pencils and Twinkling H2O's so that I could try it over the weekend. What fun!!! (I made a few cards and will set up some watercolor classes, to accommodate those who weren't able to get into that class)

Thanks to everyone for coming and making the day a great success.
Thanks for all of the goodies that everyone brought: Ann, your desserts were just fabulous as always, the blueberry bars were outrageous as was the zucchini bread; Soni, the chocolate strawberries were just wonderful; thank you Irene for the tasty, home baked pound cake; we had so much fresh, sweet fruit brought by Anna and Yvonne; and a sinful chocolate dessert by Sue; the goodie table was just overflowing! I was even reminded today that there's always so much good food at the shop!
Thank you Barbara for the extra table and chairs and thank you Maryanne for your help in setting up for the class!
I thank you again........for all of your help and support! I could not have done it without you!
I'm looking forward to the next event! Oh, yes, it's this Saturday!!! Hope you can come and celebrate the Store's Anniversary! There will be prizes and raffles, Make & Takes, refreshments and lots of fun........all day long!
See you soon,